January 23, 2016

Prearranged Life

Greetings everyone

Welcome to my blog!!! With my first blogpost I have decide to post a poem that I wrote on the 02/01/2014 because when I create this blog I stumbled upon the actual rough draft that I did on paper to formulate this poem in 2014.

Hope you enjoy!
HippKhoi :-)

Prearranged Life

Young and free
With endless possibilities
No race and no lies
Just friends in different colours
Everyone equal In mind

Like an uncoloured
Colouring book
You could paint
your own world
like a blank page
you could create your own universe
no guides and no lines
no rules that define   

now you’re older
pineal gland closed
binded by the rules
you were subjected to
by the media and schools
your clouds couldn’t be pink anymore
because you were taught that its blue
no longer free to express
you got to follow the unspoken rules

supressed expression
judgement  clouded
by the pages of the magazine
it has become your bible
taking test to see if he loves me
turn the page
How to steel him from your friend-enemy.

Spoon fed as a helpless child
Still spoon fed as the full grown mind
Walking around half naked
Thinking that you fully clothed
Now you are called a ho
Yet you followed the guide lines
Of the music that danced in your head
Telling you to “drop it like it’s hot”
Because you deemed as sex on legs

Living a choice-less life
That’s already been written
Not according to the gospel
The Book of life
But by the pages of sin
That’s been carved
with death’s bloody knife

Like testes on a make-up shelf
they let you try out a bit of the fame
now they got you hooked!
Being told you
no longer walk in shame

Offering you the
back door to success
you the big boss
recruiting people
to cover up there mess

Bank account full of dollars
doesn’t even fill your souls hollows
a prisoner of your own mind
you not alone they fooled
masses of mankind
in over your head
you want out
tried to fake your death
in order to break free
they caught you!
death to memory.



  1. Loved it.
    Well done.
    I'm actually opening my blog soon. Let's be friends.

    1. Hey hey thank you so much for the feedback .. Please open your blog so I can follow you

    2. Hey hey thank you so much for the feedback .. Please open your blog so I can follow you

  2. Loved it.
    Well done.
    I'm actually opening my blog soon. Let's be friends.
